Terms of Use
A. Consent to use of an electronic signature for accepting the terms of use for JDI-related scales.
The "Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act" requires that individuals
provide consent to sign electronic records that would otherwise be legally effective only if provided to you as a printed or written paper record. As a result, in order to accept the terms of use for JDI-related scales electronically, you must provide your consent that you have the capability to receive such disclosures and are fully aware of the consequences of agreeing to sign records electronically.
Record - The term "record" means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.
Electronic Record - The term "electronic record" means a contract or other record created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means.
Electronic Signature - The term "electronic signature" means an electronic sound, symbol, or process, attached to or logically associated with a contract or other record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record.
1. Electronic Signatures and Records. Upon accepting the terms below, you are providing your electronic consent to the use of an electronic signature for these terms. In particular, you acknowledge receipt of this notice and consent to the use of an electronic signature for accepting the terms of use for JDI-related scales.
2. Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements. The following are the software requirements to accept the terms of use for JDI-related scales:
Operating Systems: Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista; or Macintosh OS 8.1 or higher.
Browsers: Internet Explorer 5.01 or above or equivalent
Other Applications: Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent for PDF files.
3. Capability to Receive Such Disclosures. Upon accepting the terms below, you will receive a copy of the terms via e-mail in PDF format.
4. Right to NOT USE electronic signatures. Each individual has the right to agree to these terms in paper form. If you choose to sign a paper copy of the terms of use for JDI-related scales, contact the JDI office by phone at (419) 372-8247 or by e-mail at jdi_ra@bgsu.edu.
B. Terms of Use for JDI-related scales (i.e., JDI/JIG, aJDI/aJIG, SIG, and TIM)
1. I understand that the JDI scales provided on this website are owned by BGSU, are proprietary to BGSU and BGSU owns the copyright to these JDI scales.
2. I understand that the JDI scales provided on this website are provided free of charge, but that a valid e-mail address is required for access to and use of the JDI scales. (Note: We respect your privacy and will never distribute or sell your information to any third party.)
3. I understand that the JDI Office may occasionally contact me via e-mail about its products and services.
4. I understand the scales are for my sole use only and will not distribute them to any third party.
5. I understand the scales may not be reprinted or otherwise published in their full form, and I will contact the JDI Office to obtain specific sample items that may be published should the need arise.
6. I understand the scales were developed by researchers at Bowling Green State University and any publication/presentation involving the scales must include proper and scholarly citation.
7. I understand the scales are intended to be used "as is" without any modifications to the items and/or the scoring procedure.